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8 artworks
8 artworks

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Art paintings

Galerie Wildevuur has an extensive collection of art paintings and sculptures of contemporary figurative artists for sale. Wildevuur gallery is located on estate Hiemstrastate, in the idyllic province of Drenthe. Surrounded by forests and moors, the estate is one of the most beautiful national monuments in the Netherlands. In the main building, which is an example of the Amsterdam School, an impressive collection figurative art is exhibited. In addition, on the estate there are regular workshops, lectures and tours organized. You are welcome to visit us life to admire our extensive collection. However, if you prefer, you can also easily browse through our art collection rom home by.

For art lovers, who have little time our collection of sculptures and art paintings can be admired online.

We have more than 500 art paintings featured in our online collection.

Should you come across a work that appeals to you in our shop with art paintings, we offer our experience and expertise at your disposal. We can optionally provide extensive background information on the painting, the artist who created it and the technique which was used. Also, you can order a matching frame in our own framer shop, which is also located on the property. We strive to give customers who buy art paintings at gallery Wildevuur, a pleasant, personal experience. Something you can think back of with a smile once the painting hangs on the wall at your home.